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Custom selectbox with look and feel of native one

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Configuration params are some options that customize Celesta functioning and UX.

(I'd use the word options, but it has ambiguous meaning when speaking around <select> matters :)

Any configuration param can be set when initializing new Celesta object, and cannot be changed for the instance already created.

new Celesta(document.getElementById('my_select'), {
    space_key_open: false,
    options_nav_cycling: true,
    closed_options_pagekey_jump_by: 5

You can also override configuration defaults with setConfigDefaults. That will affect all newly created Celesta instances.

    space_key_open: false,
    options_nav_cycling: true,
    closed_options_pagekey_jump_by: 5

Here is the reference for all those configuration parameters.

Parameter Accepted value Default value Description
width {number} | null null Explicit element width (null for automatic/inherited width)
height {number} | null null Explicit element width (null for automatic/inherited width)
inherit_width {boolean} false Inherit source select width
inherit_height {boolean} false Inherit source select height
inherit_classes {boolean} true Inherit classnames from source select
inherit_optgroup_classes {boolean} true Inherit classnames from every source optgroup to correspondent generated element
inherit_option_classes {boolean} true Inherit classnames from every source option to correspondent generated element (and facade label, if selected)
optlist_smart_reverse {boolean} true Detect best dropdown direction (down/up) based on available space and scroll position
use_optgroups {boolean} true Find optgroups in source select and generate correspondent containers in optlist
handle_mouse {boolean} true Handle mouse events (click, hover etc.)
outer_mousewheel_close {boolean} true Close open Celesta when mouse wheel used out of its area (requires handle_mouse to be enabled)
handle_arrowkeys {boolean} true Handle pressing arrow keys (/)
handle_pagekeys {boolean} true Handle pressing PageUp/PageDown keys
enter_key_open {boolean} true Open closed Celesta with Space key
space_key_open {boolean} true Open closed Celesta with Space key
enter_key_select {boolean} true Select hovered option with Enter key
space_key_select {boolean} false Select hovered option with Space key
escape_key_close {boolean} true Close open Celesta with Esc key
handle_keyboard_typed {boolean} true Enable options quicksearch with keyboard typing
typed_life {number} 1000 Storing life (milliseconds) for previously typed quicksearch characters if no other char is typed
typed_collapse_repeated {boolean} true When a single key press hold detected, cycle through matching options
closed_options_pagekey_jump_by {number} 3 PageUp/PageDown jump size on closed Celesta
open_options_pagekey_jump_by {number} | true true PageUp/PageDown jump size on open Celesta (true for jump to first invisible or partially visible item)
options_type_cycling {boolean} true Cycle options forward when quicksearch typing
options_nav_cycling {boolean} false Cycle options forward/backward with arrow and page keys
keyboard_hover_preselect {boolean} true Pre-select keyboard focused option (set to facade and select if Celesta is closed in any way)
mouse_hover_preselect {boolean} false Pre-select mouse hovered option (set to facade and select if Celesta is closed in any way)
mouse_hover_scroll {boolean} true When partially visible option is mouse hovered, scroll to make it fully visible
fallback_dropdown {boolean} /iPad|iPhone|iPod|Android|IEMobile|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) Use source select dropdown (and its native key/mouse handlers) while keep showing stylized (closed) Celesta element (useful on mobile devices)
fix_ie_mouse_focus {boolean} ('ActiveX' in window) Generate custom HTML elements to fix IE mouseclick focus issue:
ie_tagname_prefix {string} 'ie-' HTML element name prefix to fix IE mouseclick issue (see fix_ie_mouse_focus)
container_tagname {string} 'span' HTML element name for overall Celesta container
container_classname {string} 'celesta-container' Main classname for overall Celesta container
container_classname_open {string} 'celesta-container-open' Additional classname for open Celesta container
container_classname_disabled {string} 'celesta-container-disabled' Additional classname for disabled Celesta container
container_classname_fallback {string} 'celesta-container-fallback' Additional classname for Celesta container when dropdown fallback is used
facade_tagname {string} 'span' HTML element name for facade (an element that displays currently selected option)
facade_classname {string} 'celesta-facade' Celesta facade classname
facadelabel_pseudo {boolean} false Don’t generate separate element for facade label (use ::before, and if so, facade label cannot inherit selected option classnames)
facade_attrname_label {string} 'data-label' Attribute name to store currently selected option title (if ::before is used)
facadelabel_tagname {string} 'span' HTML element name for facade label (if real element is used)
facadelabel_classname {string} 'celesta-facadelabel' Main classname for facade label (if real element is used)
optlist_tagname {string} 'div' HTML element name for options list container
optlist_classname {string} 'celesta-optlist' Main classname for options list container
optlist_classname_reversed {string} 'celesta-optlist-reversed' Additional classname for reversed options list container
optgroup_tagname {string} 'div' HTML element name for options group container (optgroup)
optgroup_classname {string} 'celesta-optgroup' Main classname for options group container (optgroup)
optgroup_classname_disabled {string} 'celesta-optgroup-disabled' Additional classname for disabled optgroup
optgrouplabel_pseudo {boolean} true Don’t generate separate element for optgroup label (use ::before)
optgroup_attrname_label {string} 'data-label' Attribute name to store optgroup label (if ::before is used)
optgrouplabel_tagname {string} 'span' HTML element name for optgroup label (if real element is used)
optgrouplabel_classname {string} 'celesta-optgrouplabel' Main classname for optgroup label (if real element is used)
option_tagname {string} 'span' HTML element name for option item
option_classname {string} 'celesta-option' Main classname for option item
option_classname_selected {string} 'celesta-option-selected' Additional classname for currently selected option item
option_classname_hovered {string} 'celesta-option-hovered' Additional classname for currently hovered/focused option item
option_classname_disabled {string} 'celesta-option-disabled' Additional classname for disabled option item

    width: null,
    height: null,
    inherit_width: false,
    inherit_height: false,
    inherit_classes: true,
    inherit_optgroup_classes: true,
    inherit_option_classes: true,
    optlist_smart_reverse: true,
    use_optgroups: true,
    handle_mouse: true,
    outer_mousewheel_close: true,
    handle_arrowkeys: true,
    handle_pagekeys: true,
    enter_key_open: true,
    space_key_open: true,
    enter_key_select: true,
    space_key_select: false,
    escape_key_close: true,
    handle_keyboard_typed: true,
    typed_life: 1000,
    typed_collapse_repeated: true,
    closed_options_pagekey_jump_by: 3,
    open_options_pagekey_jump_by: true,
    options_type_cycling: true,
    options_nav_cycling: false,
    keyboard_hover_preselect: true,
    mouse_hover_preselect: false,
    mouse_hover_scroll: true,
    fallback_dropdown: /iPad|iPhone|iPod|Android|IEMobile|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
    fix_ie_mouse_focus: ('ActiveX' in window),
    ie_tagname_prefix: 'ie-',
    container_tagname: 'span',
    container_classname: 'celesta-container',
    container_classname_open: 'celesta-container-open',
    container_classname_disabled: 'celesta-container-disabled',
    container_classname_fallback: 'celesta-container-fallback',
    facade_tagname: 'span',
    facade_classname: 'celesta-facade',
    facadelabel_pseudo: false,
    facade_attrname_label: 'data-label',
    facadelabel_tagname: 'span',
    facadelabel_classname: 'celesta-facadelabel',
    optlist_tagname: 'div',
    optlist_classname: 'celesta-optlist',
    optlist_classname_reversed: 'celesta-optlist-reversed',
    optgroup_tagname: 'div',
    optgroup_classname: 'celesta-optgroup',
    optgroup_classname_disabled: 'celesta-optgroup-disabled',
    optgrouplabel_pseudo: true,
    optgroup_attrname_label: 'data-label',
    optgrouplabel_tagname: 'span',
    optgrouplabel_classname: 'celesta-optgrouplabel',
    option_tagname: 'span',
    option_classname: 'celesta-option',
    option_classname_selected: 'celesta-option-selected',
    option_classname_hovered: 'celesta-option-hovered',
    option_classname_disabled: 'celesta-option-disabled'